Just like other marketing mediums, updating websites regularly is a best practice. While many companies have taken some steps in that direction by creating mobile-friendly sites, it’s important to conduct a comprehensive review of the content, graphic appeal, navigation and strategic value of your website. If it has been more than a year since you looked at your site with a critical eye, you are overdue for a closer look. It might be time for a website overhaul.
Category: Business builders
How to Sabotage Marketing and Individual Success
There are many ways a marketing program can go wrong. Perhaps an email is sent to the wrong audience segment. Or perhaps a budget shortfall derails a campaign before it is finished. Maybe your audience doesn’t respond to your messaging the way you expected. Many work-related challenges involve factors beyond our control. But it’s more common that we sabotage our own efforts.
7 Questions that Stimulate Business Opportunities
As companies begin implementing their marketing plans for 2017, it is important to start with a deep understanding of the marketplace you serve and the position, brand and corporate distinction you have in your industry. To develop the knowledge and understanding that leads to the awareness of meaningful business opportunities, invite all stakeholders to answer these seven questions.
2017 Is Here. Is Your Roadmap Ready?
While most business leaders recognize the importance of having a strategic marketing plan that provides a roadmap for accomplishing critical sales and business objects, some companies simply don’t make this initiative a priority. Creating a strategic marketing plan need not be complex or cumbersome. However, it does require the brain power of contributors throughout the organization.
Are Your Skills Keeping Up With Evolving Marketing Technologies?

There’s no denying that the face of marketing has changed dramatically over the past decade—even in the past year. More and more, marketing pros and students are acquiring abilities. In the meantime, however, there’s a skills gap that organization leaders struggle to bridge.
How to Build Relationships: An Open Letter to Buyers and Sellers
At one time or another, we have all been buyers and sellers of products and services. Yet we tend to behave differently depending on our role. Very few of us think in terms of what the person on the other side of the phone or desk is thinking. Yet, a little empathy, compassion and patience go a long way toward building meaningful relationships.
What is a True Professional and Why Does Being One Matter?
One definition of professional, according to Bing is: “businesslike: conforming to the standards of skill, competence, or character normally expected of a properly qualified and experienced person in a work environment.” In my experience, professionals stand out from the crowd. Whether it’s the way they dress, their interpersonal skills, their leadership abilities, their accomplishments or other measurements, they are a cut above others.
4 Low Cost Marketing Opportunities to Accelerate Business Growth
It’s a buyers’ market—no question about it. There is a glut of products and services available for consumption. That makes it essential for sellers to focus on meaningful product distinctions and reasons why their companies are better than or different from the competition. But regardless of whether it’s a buyers’ or sellers’ marketplace, there are always
Marketing Madness: How to Deal With Multiple Generations in the Workforce
While there are five, yes five, generations in the workplace today, the three primary groups are Baby Boomers, Generation Xers and Millennials. The traditionalists, born before 1946, have all but retired, and Generation Z is just starting out. The birth years for each generation vary depending on the source used. That said, regardless of the
7 Tips to Develop and Deliver Powerful PowerPoint Presentations
Microsoft’s PowerPoint application has been around for a long time. It’s a powerful tool that supports and enhances live or online presentations to individuals and groups. For optimal results, create PowerPoint presentations in a way that organizes and simplifies content, reinforces verbal and visual cues, and engages audiences. To accomplish these goals and produce winning
How to Position Yourself as an Expert
In a competitive business environment, it’s especially important to distinguish yourself and your company from the rest of the pack. That’s why becoming the recognized expert or leader in your field is essential to personal and organizational success. To accomplish this, first identify what you or your company understands or does better than your competition.
How Do Your Business Values Set Your Company Apart?

Michael Josephson, author of “Character Counts,” identified six key values that he believes represent the foundation of personal relationships. They are: Trustworthiness Respect Responsibility Fairness Caring Civic responsibility These values, currently taught in schools across the country, are transferable to the business world as well. Examples of Core Business Values Here’s a more in-depth look:
Eliminate These 5 Business Phrases From Your Vocabulary
Sometimes people vent by talking about their pet peeves. These are behaviors that are the topic of constant complaints. When it comes to business, some of these actions include rudeness, inefficiency, bullying, lateness and a lack of integrity. In addition, there are as many sources of irritation that come from the utterance of certain business
16 Tips for Managing Business Relationships
Because we live in a 24/7 connected world, many business people rely solely on emails and texts to manage relationships. While these mediums are convenient and easy, they are lacking in other ways. It’s very difficult to build and maintain relationships without the personal touch. If you are willing to go the extra step, consider
5 Lessons Learned from the Trenches
In more than 40 years in business, I’ve been very fortunate to have had some great mentors, clients and associates who have taught me principles that I have used throughout my career. I am grateful for the contributions each of these people has made to my life and business. Some of them seem obvious and
6 Ways to Create Content that Drives Business
Salespeople know that presenting a list of features for a product or service isn’t enough to make a sale. Instead, they understand that it’s essential to focus on the benefits of the product or service and how it solves a problem. In other words, it’s the difference between selling the sizzle or the steak. Similarly,
3 Ways to Increase Profitability

Old school or not, when companies want to increase profitability, there are three common strategies to implement: raise prices, reduce expenses and sell more. Profitability Strategies Raise prices. While sometimes necessary, this is not a popular strategy in any business environment. Customers often respond negatively. They wonder what additional value or improvement they will be
How Important Is It To Listen To Each Other?
It’s a fact. Some people would rather talk than listen. Perhaps you know individuals like this. They seem to thrive on the sound of their own voice. Yet, when one person does all (or most of the) talking, it is less of a conversation and more of a monologue. This limits the opportunity to learn,
What Are Your Values?
Corporate culture is a topic that receives a lot of buzz. In part, that’s because it is the foundation that defines and drives the business. It emanates from the values the company holds dear. Also, it is manifested in the attitudes and behaviors exhibited by all leaders, managers and employees. So the question is, how
ROI: The Elephant in the Room for Marketers

When it comes to marketing initiatives, getting the biggest “bang for the buck” is essential. Accordingly, defining and analyzing the success of everything from tradeshow participation to social media campaigns is critical. At the same time, some marketers wonder at what point return on investment (ROI) became the holy grail of measuring success. Other business
Collaboration at Work: How to Do It Better
Collaboration: “The action of working with someone to produce or create something.” When Collaboration Works Collaboration can produce astonishing results! At Pixar, everyone gathers in a room to see the dailies and picks the last day’s or week’s work apart scene by scene, pixel by pixel. Judging from their numbers at the box office and
Formula for Innovation
While the word innovation might be a bit overused these days, the concept is sound. The Latin root of the word is “innovo,” which means to alter, renew or restore. In business, to renew represents opportunity and to alter symbolizes transformation. Yet change doesn’t always mean a better outcome. That’s why a more useful meaning
Are White Papers a Part of Your Marketing Strategy?
Do you produce white papers? If not, it’s time to start. The Content Marketing Institute conducts a yearly content marketing survey with B2B marketers. This year’s B2B Content Marketing 2015: Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends – North America survey found that 68 percent of B2B content marketers use white papers, up from the 64 percent reported
3 Proven Strategies to Develop Business Acumen
Business acumen is one of those terms that, if you ask five people what it is, you’ll get five different answers. Merriam-Webster defines acumen as “the ability to think clearly and make good decisions.” In practice, it means knowing how the company operates and using that knowledge to improve performance. For example, business acumen helps