5 Listening Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Business


It’s no secret that people would rather talk than listen. By using the key words “Listening skills for business” in a recent online search, we discovered there were 14,200,000 responses. On the other hand, when searching under “Speaking skills for business,” there were only 34,700,000 entries. That’s almost a 2:1 ratio. Do you ever wonder

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The game changer

The business section of any bookstore is full of trendy, flavor-of-the-moment systems and methods to teach business people to become great. In fact, a casual glance at a bookshelf in Barnes & Noble or a scroll through Amazon.com leaves one with the impression that business people must be like survivors of a sunken ocean liner,

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Managing your workload

Learn to say no. Do you have a hard time saying no? Or have you ever found yourself with more work than time and wondered what happened? You’re not alone. Fortunately, good communication can help you manage your workload avoid these situations. Here’s how: First, take stock of your own abilities. Are you someone who

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Ten do’s and don’ts for your annual report

Annual reports can be useful documents for your stakeholders—if they’re prepared properly. All too often, an annual report is a bland, meaningless collection of buzz words, truisms that apply to any business and vague promises of growth or innovation. To make your annual report a valuable document, here are 10 do’s and don’ts for your

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Making lists

Do you remember a time when you didn’t need a calendar or didn’t need make lists to remind you of what you needed to do, where you needed to be, and when? A time back to high school or even earlier when the demands of life were simpler and far fewer than they are when

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The one-year MBA

Take a walk through the business section of your local bookstore. You’ll see hundreds of books on how to be more successful. How to do more in less time. How to be a better leader. How to make more money with less effort. How to be happier You’ll see books listing the five secrets of

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Five reasons decisions are hard to make

Leaders can’t make decisions if they aren’t in touch with the business. Corporate America often has trouble making decisions. Whether it’s Netflix changing their business model, only to change it again almost immediately, or the A&E cable TV channel coming down hard on Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson, only to reverse themselves almost instantly, some companies

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MOOCs offer one more avenue for companies to reach new customers What’s a “MOOC”? It’s not the term coined in Martin Scorsese’s film “Mean Streets,” “mook,” meaning “a loser.” Rather, MOOCs are “Massive Open Online Courses,” and they’re offered by universities as ways to both educate students and improve the teaching methodologies used in online

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Partner communication

Partner communication at your business can be frustrating. How many times have you thought you communicated expectations clearly to a business partner, only to find when the final product was delivered, it wasn’t at all what you expected? If you’re like most of us, the answer is “too often.” Partner communication requires that hat both

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The Future of Corporate Communication

Do you communicate with your customers? I don’t mean in the sense of having a website or an e-newsletter, but real interactive communication. Few companies will answer “no” to this question, but many may say they could do a better job of communicating. And why don’t companies do a better job? There are many explanations.

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Everybody Mingle: Analyzing Your Marketing Mix

In my last blog post, I talked about how too much focus on ROI could not only stifle creativity, morale and initiative, but could also give companies a false sense of which elements in their marketing mix were most effective and which weren’t making the grade. This is because every item in your marketing mix

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Handcuffed by ROI

Return on investment…is there another business acronym that receives more attention than the venerable yet often misunderstood, misused and abused ROI? I don’t think so. On the surface, it’s a very intuitive, straight-forward method of determining whether something is worth the expense. From a marketing standpoint, take the net amount of money you made from

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Choosing the right name

A successful businessperson once said that when it came to company names, he felt the name should say what the company does. His company is called “Conservation Partners,” and they’re just that: partners for people who want to conserve their farmland. Another company had a similar name: “Partners in Financial Planning.” A TV commercial now

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