5 Localization Strategies to Enrich Marketing

When General Motors released the Chevy Nova in the 1970s, it performed poorly in South American countries. One reason was due to the name, which loosely translates to “no va” or “doesn’t go” in Spanish. Although since proven to be an urban legend, the story gained popularity as a cautionary tale about understanding foreign markets and cultures before entering them. With the proliferation of digital communication, today’s global marketplace is even bigger, but selling globally still requires time, research and consideration of cultures, languages and buyer personas. This process is known as localization, and if your company works internationally, it needs to be a well-thought-out part of your marketing strategy.

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How to Avoid the 7 Deadly Marketing Sins

Yes, marketing has changed, but so has virtually every other aspect of conducting business. So what’s new? Putting marketing into a different perspective. There are no absolutes, but what is essential is a commitment to agility, innovation and serving the vastly different needs of every customer. That’s a tall order, but it can be accomplished by avoiding these seven sins.

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How To Acclimate Millennials Into The Workforce


As has been true in previous generations, today a college degree is practically a must, even for an entry-level hire. As more and more college graduates are flooding the job market with education under their belt, some wonder how well prepared they are in terms of skills and experiences to adjust to the realities of corporate America. Those born between 1980 and 2000 are often referred to as the “entitled” or “me” generation. Yet that perception is not completely accurate. Rather, millennials have a lot to offer the workplace. They just need to be effectively channeled, supported and motivated.

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It’s Time to Focus on the Positive

There’s no question about it. The daily news provides a heavy dose of economic, societal and political woes. In the face of all that negativity, it’s a good time to focus on the positive and remember the value of gratitude. If you’re having trouble visualizing or verbalizing what to be happy about, here are some ideas to consider.

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So, You Think You Want To Be A Writer?

There are three essentials for being a good writer. They are talent and skill, perseverance and determination, and realistic expectations minus the ego. While many individuals who author books, newsletters, articles, white papers and other forms of communication have the subject-matter expertise to produce content, they may not have the other attributes. As a result, the end product doesn’t result in the quality the author seeks.

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