2017 Is Here. Is Your Roadmap Ready?

While most business leaders recognize the importance of having a strategic marketing plan that provides a roadmap for accomplishing critical sales and business objects, some companies simply don’t make this initiative a priority. Creating a strategic marketing plan need not be complex or cumbersome. However, it does require the brain power of contributors throughout the organization.

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Is it Time to Invest in Marketing Automation?

marketing automation

You’re probably aware of the term “marketing automation.” And you’re probably thinking it means automating some or all the various tasks involved in marketing your brand and growing your business. That’s a pretty good general description. But you may not know what’s involved in implementing a marketing automation solution or whether it’s something you should consider.

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13 Questions to Help Plan Your Marketing for the New Year


Many companies are actively involved in developing a marketing plan for next year. Or, at the very least, they are thinking about the topic. As they engage in the process, it is essential for marketing professionals to gather meaningful information and tap into the collective brainpower of their team members to evaluate the best opportunities for growth. To determine the best course of action, here are 13 questions every company needs to address.

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Is Your Marketing Catawampus? Here’s How To Tell.

Catawampus sounds like an adjective from another generation, right? Maybe, but its meaning and significance are not. Nor is its occurrence. In this context, catawampus describes an environment or situation in which marketing goals, culture and initiatives are misaligned or off-center. How can you tell whether your company is operating in this mode? It’s easy.

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Marketing Budgets: It’s Time to Open Your Wallets

How long have companies been cutting their marketing budgets? How long have they underfunded their marketing programs or reduced the size of their marketing departments? The simple answer is: far too long. Consultants, researchers and associations have been bemoaning this fact for years, and it’s no surprise. Whenever there is an economic downturn, and the resulting fear of the future, companies pull in the reigns.

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Integrated Marketing Is the Name of the Game

It’s long been said that one marketing outreach or one touch point does not a campaign make. That’s a no-brainer. In the past, traditional marketing approaches such as direct mail and advertising represented the bulk of a company’s marketing budget. However, they were often carried out independent of one another. That was known as end-to-end marketing. Today, more companies recognize the need to integrate their outreach initiatives and take advantage of all the opportunities available.

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How to Pick Your B2B Marketing Channels Wisely

For all the hoopla and buzz created by Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other social media channels, one has to ask, “Do these outlets really generate business for B2B companies?” While it might be fun to read posts and watch videos, are these the channels that generate the greatest amount of business? Not according to researchers.

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Are You Missing These Key Marketing Opportunities?

Every company faces the same challenge of how best to manage their marketing resources (time, money and personnel). Consequently, management has to evaluate short- and long-term opportunities. Furthermore, they also need to seek out those that will yield the greatest return on investment now and in the future. To help you identify and capitalize on

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No Regrets Marketing Strategies: A 5-Step Checklist

As companies develop their marketing strategies, sometimes they overlook, ignore or dismiss high-potential opportunities that can later lead to regrets. In this context, regrets refer to that uncomfortable feeling we get when we think to ourselves, “If only I had…” or “I wish I had been more proactive with…” or “Why didn’t I do more

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4 Low Cost Marketing Opportunities to Accelerate Business Growth

It’s a buyers’ market—no question about it. There is a glut of products and services available for consumption. That makes it essential for sellers to focus on meaningful product distinctions and reasons why their companies are better than or different from the competition. But regardless of whether it’s a buyers’ or sellers’ marketplace, there are always

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Is Strategy AWOL from Your Marketing Plan?

marketing strategy

When developing marketing plans, most companies go right for the “tactics” without considering an overall strategic approach to achieve their goals. As a reminder, tactics are the practical actions and activities marketers perform every day. They include writing blog posts, sending out tweets, reaching out to the media and refreshing online content. On the other

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5 Marketing Game Changers for Optimal Growth and Success

Most companies are working at a feverish pace to remain current and relevant in an ever-changing global business environment. Whether that has a trickle-down effect to marketing or whether marketing is the impetus for these initiatives isn’t the point. What’s critical is to know, understand and apply these five marketing game changers for optimal growth

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The Foundation For Marketing Success: 6 Marketing Maxims

Savvy leaders know that marketing is a critical business initiative and provides the support companies need to accelerate business growth, sell more products and services, increase profitability, and gain market share. To accomplish these goals, consider these six marketing maxims—or business truths that are the foundation for marketing success. Marketing Maxims Fact 1: The more

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3 Guidelines Everyone Should Know About Press Releases

Many companies use press releases for a variety of reasons. Some of these include: Announce personnel changes The opening and closing of offices/other types of facilities The development and introduction of new (or enhanced) products and services Participation at industry events Corporate milestones and awards Financial news. So the question is: does anyone read these?

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A Marketing Plan for Non-Marketing Executives

Marketing Plan

Many start-up or emerging companies simply don’t have the resources for a full-time professional marketing staff. CEOs may be visionaries and know where they want to take the company. Sales executives are the experienced professionals who know how to sell. Neither one may have the marketing expertise necessary to accelerate growth and marketplace visibility. For

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Sales and Marketing: 4 Ingredients for a Winning Collaboration

Too many people think sales and marketing are the same thing. They aren’t. Often, there’s no collaboration between the two. In some organizations, there might be a sales executive who heads up marketing. In other companies, you’ll find a marketing executive who is also responsible for business development. To complicate it further, there are companies that

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Is the Magazine Publishing Industry Dead?

Many experts think so. Certainly, the Internet has changed the landscape of traditional magazine publishing. While consumer or popular magazines are not feeling the pinch as much as B2B trade magazines, the writing is on the wall. Many well-known magazines have ceased to produce their print editions, and others have folded completely. There are three

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6 Hot Trends to Spice Up Your B2B Marketing

Every industry has its hot topics…the ones that drive business initiatives and form the foundation for business strategy. B2B marketing is no different. Here are six core themes that marketing teams are busy tackling in their quest to create a competitive differential. These themes also help them better support their business development teams and garner

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Are you experiencing any of these marketing challenges?

Marketing challenges vary from industry to industry. Here are three of the most common concerns we hear and how to address them. Marketing Challenges Competition is on the rise. There’s no question about it. In a global economy, there are more companies providing similar products and services, often at a lower price than U.S. companies

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Do You Have a Marketing Communications Strategy?

Most companies engage in the marketing planning process. They set goals, identify programs and activities in which to engage, establish a budget and assign responsibilities. In the process, however, there’s one key element that’s often overlooked: strategy. According to the Content Marketing Institute, marketing strategy focuses on engaging an audience and driving profitable behaviors. When

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