Of the various types of media available to marketers, earned media might seem the most difficult to predict and control. It’s one thing when an organization creates its own content, pays for media coverage and shares it across multiple marketing channels. It’s far more powerful when authentic, authoritative and third-party sources mention your brand and share your thought leadership. Unlike media you pay for, brands do not control earned media. This makes it less biased and more trusted by potential customers. Earned media can elevate marketplace visibility, enhance credibility, boost name recognition and take marketing initiatives to new levels.
6 Types of Earned Media

Earned media is media you didn’t pay for or create yourself. While this can seem like a wide-reaching category, there are six common types of earned media that can enhance your brand reputation if strategically incorporated into your marketing program:
1. Press coverage is typically the first type of earned media that comes to mind. After all, earned media is one type of publicity. Press coverage may include interviews of and quotes from subject matter experts and thought leaders, press releases picked up by media outlets, press conferences and company news that appears in publications, radio or TV. This type of earned media amplifies visibility and name recognition across multiple channels.
Getting press coverage is the first step. Marketing expert Vickie Sullivan advises that PR shouldn’t stop once important press coverage is released. “The aftermath of any huge development is a target-rich environment,” Sullivan says. “The responses lengthen the news cycle and create even more material for you. Follow up on the bigger themes mentioned in the news article and provide answers.”
2. Bylined articles, both print and digital, position your thought leadership in front of highly targeted audiences. Trade publications are a certified and trusted source of information. Not every publication accepts content from outside contributors, but those that do offer excellent opportunities for earned media.
Articles reach the already established audiences of the publication. Share them on your website, via social media, email, newsletters and other marketing channels to expand reach and impact. Bylined articles are excellent tools to establish expertise and generate a sound ROI for your outbound marketing efforts.
3. Backlinks are links on other domains that direct to your website content. They are a vital element of strategic link building—a powerful strategy for boosting SEO, website traffic and qualified leads. Incorporate backlinks into the content of other resources to cite expertise, refer to similar content or provide direct suggestions to learn more about a topic. While it is possible to pay for backlinks on a third-party site, the most effective strategy involves organic brand mentions or embedded resources that showcase your thought leadership and demonstrate your value to new, relevant audiences in authentic and solutions-focused ways.
4. Introductions, referrals and word-of-mouth recommendations are powerful means to grow a business, especially early on. Organizations that continue to strategically leverage referrals as earned media reap ongoing rewards. Leads from referrals have a 30 percent higher conversion rate than the leads generated from other marketing channels. Referrals from clients and partners express genuine enthusiasm for working with your business. This can’t be emulated in other marketing channels. Because 92 percent of consumers trust the referral or recommendations of people they know personally, it’s important to encourage happy clients to spread the word. Don’t be afraid to reach out to your network and business partners to identify new referral avenues that meet target market criteria.
5. Client reviews and testimonials, like referrals, give clients a chance to sing your praises and communicate with prospective buyers authentically. Unbiased opinions build trust with audiences and have the power to overcome skepticism from prospects who seek honest customer experiences. Referrals rely on established relationships and word-of-mouth. Leverage client testimonials provided by satisfied customers directly to the business on your website, social media channels and other marketing materials. Consider asking customers to submit reviews on third-party websites such as Google Business, Trustpilot, TrustRdius and Yelp. Video testimonials create tangible connections by putting a face to the name and letting customers speak in their own voices about their own experiences.
Other types of user-generated testimonial content include product images, blog reviews, tweets, written reviews and social media posts. While prospects may not personally know the individual, according to Nielsen research, 70 percent of people will trust a recommendation from strangers. When another company or individual endorses the results and experience of working with you, your quality reputation is reinforced in new and valuable ways.
6. Awards and accolades are momentous occasions for any individual or business. They offer well-earned recognition from respected sources. They also are a powerful form of earned media that bolsters faith in organizations and their expertise. Awards may recognize customer success stories, expanded skillsets, community involvement or accomplished individuals. Keep in mind that awards will seldom find you. Get involved with industry associations, community groups and relevant events to discover opportunities and be discovered.
The award itself is earned media. Increase the award’s reach and attention by promoting it to the media, employees, partners, stakeholders, customers and prospects.
Amplify Your Earned Media
Earned media can take some time to build and take shape, but when it appears, don’t let it slip away. Just because earned media isn’t created by your company doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be leveraged in your marketing efforts. In fact, amplifying the voices of industry media, other experts, influencers, customers, peers and partners has the power to create some of the most authentic messaging in your marketing toolkit.