The Spirit of Gratitude: B2B Holiday Greetings


As the holidays approach, many companies start thinking about ways to acknowledge their customers, employees, vendors, partners and other stakeholders. In the B2B sector, this is a time when we can break out of our serious side and let our spirit and creativity shine. While gratitude and appreciation are the gist of holiday greetings, this is when we can foster relationships with joy, lightness, spontaneity and fun.

Greetings of All Kinds

Of course, there are many ways to reach out to your various audiences. Digital methods often are more cost effective and easier to implement. Traditional print and snail mail require more effort but can have a lasting and tangible effect that’s hard to duplicate. In either case, decide which method makes the more sense for you brand and budget, or use a combination of both depending on your audience. Formats include holiday cards, postcards, e-cards, email and social media outreach. Small gifts or personalized items such as notepads, pens, calendars or paperweights that are meaningful and useful are great options. Another possibility is to support a charitable cause instead of sending cards or gifts. Let contacts know via email that a donation was made in their name and use the opportunity to educate your audiences about the causes that matter to your organization.

Words Matter


Sometimes it’s hard to come up with the right messaging. This is especially true when crafting a generic message for multiple recipients. Similarly, it can be difficult to balance professionalism with warmth and sincerity. When in doubt, always mean what you say and keep the greetings short and sweet. Here are a few suggestions:

  • “Wishing you a happy holiday season and a peaceful and prosperous New Year, from the team at [company name].”
  • “We are grateful to have clients like you in our lives. Wishing you happy holidays and a great 2020 from [company name].”
  • “In the spirit of giving this season, we have made a donation to [organization] in your name. Thank you for helping us make a difference.”

If you know the individual personally, it doesn’t take much to make it special. When you can get personal, do. Whether it’s a simple handwritten signature or a short, personalized greeting, the warm touch won’t go unnoticed.

Holiday Greetings Newsletter

A holiday newsletter is another option for widespread messaging. Use it to celebrate highlights and accomplishments and share what you and your company are grateful for this holiday season.

  • “As we look back upon the year, we would like to acknowledge those who have helped us shape our business. Thanks for a great year, and we wish you all the best as you embark on 2020.”
  • “With the holiday season upon us, we reflect on the past year and those who have contributed to our success. We hope that 2019 has been just as memorable for you, your colleagues and your loved ones. We look forward to working with you in the years to come.”

Maximize Your Touchpoints


When it comes to the holidays, take advantage of the spirit to reflect on what matters most: your relationships. It’s the time of year for giving, so don’t view this as an opportunity to focus on your company or make overt sales pitches. Take a moment to say “thank you” to those around you in your holiday greetings, and spread goodwill to those who have contributed to your success.