With the holidays upon us and the new year around the corner, the spirit of giving is in the air. While holiday traditions may not permeate the workplace the same way they do at home, there are many opportunities to bring a spirit of giving into your organization. Small acts of kindness tell your colleagues and network you care while offering a chance to express the joy and gratitude that makes the end of the year shine.
Enrich the Spirit of the Season with Random Acts of Kindness
While gift-giving is a common holiday tradition among many, there are other ways to brighten the workplace. Here are 25 ideas to bring a bit of kindness to the workplace this holiday season and all year long:
1. Send holiday cards.
Share handwritten or digital cards with your colleagues, including maintenance and service workers.
2. Make a difference in your community.
Collect the most needed items and donate them to a food bank, holiday toy drive or local charity.
3. Gift a book.
Share a book that made a positive impact on you with a colleague or entire team. You could also create a “free little library” where team members donate and borrow books regularly.
4. Volunteer locally.
Create a team-building opportunity by volunteering at a local soup kitchen, outdoor cleanup or other charity event.
5. Organize a meal or snack.
Bring in coffee, breakfast, lunch or afternoon snack to give everyone a much-needed break and time for togetherness during the holidays. Let everyone know in advance so they can come with an appetite.
6. Compliment team members.
Offer specific positive affirmations to each of your colleagues. A public show of appreciation during a meeting can offer a real confidence boost.
7. Speak highly of someone when they’re not there.
Take a compliment to the next level by telling a colleague’s boss, co-workers and human resources department how they are making a difference in the organization.
8. Help someone complete a task.
The end of the year can be incredibly busy. Lend a hand to a colleague even if it is not related to your role.
9. Create a physical or digital vision board.
Organize a space where team members can share their wishes and aspirations for the upcoming year. Plan fun activities together to determine team and organizational goals.
10. Get to know a co-worker.
Spend time virtually or in person with someone you don’t work with on a day-to-day basis. Find out about their background, interests and role at the organization.
11. Write a recommendation.
Visit a colleague’s LinkedIn profile and endorse them for one or more skills. Earn bonus points for writing a specific recommendation about a project you worked on together or for a skill you appreciate or admire.
12. Greet people with a smile every morning.
Before launching into the day-to-day tasks of a busy day, take a moment to say good morning to co-workers, ask them how they are and listen attentively to their answers.
13. Encourage physical fitness and mental well-being.
Organize a virtual or in-person physical activity or meditation session to help team members de-stress and re-energize.
14. Write a note.
Leave team members a personal note letting them know you appreciate them. Whether it’s a small Post-It on their computer or a thoughtful greeting card, a handwritten note lets co-workers know you appreciate them and will always brighten their day.

15. Let someone know what they have taught you.
Tell a co-worker what valuable skill or lesson you have learned from them.
16. Quietly take something off someone’s plate.
Complete a small task for a co-worker without telling them in advance. One less thing to do is a good thing done!
17. Invite a junior employee to a session they will learn something from.
Encourage mentorship and ongoing learning by inviting newer or younger employees to advance their skills and knowledge.
18. Create holiday “self-care” kits.
Make small care packages for co-workers or employees with company swag, snacks, small gift cards, certificates for paid time off or flexible working hours, other treats and tips for relaxing during the holidays.
19. Show appreciation for leadership.
While company leaders are often responsible for implementing holiday events and appreciation programs, it’s important that they feel valued too. Team members can pitch in to get a small gift for their managers or show appreciation to their leaders in another way, such as making a list of all the things you appreciate about them and giving it to them as a group.
20. Create a gratitude wall.
Provide a digital or in-person space and materials for team members to share something meaningful. This could include thank-you notes, drawings, certificates of achievement, or even photos of pets or loved ones. Employees could also share public shout-outs for jobs well done or milestones achieved.
21. Offer extra time off.
Providing employees with extra time off to rest and relax is a wonderful act of kindness that will foster loyalty, well-being and happiness in the workplace.
22. Clean up a common area.
Shared spaces like the break room, kitchen, storage area or supply closet can get messy, especially during a busy day or week. If an area needs tidying, offer a helping hand, even if you didn’t make the mess. This shows that you care about everyone’s comfort, not just your own.
23. Celebrate milestones.
Recognize individual and organizational achievements, work anniversaries, birthdays and other special events with a companywide email, gift card, day off or other token of appreciation to mark the occasion.
24. Hide encouraging messages throughout the office.
Make fun and uplifting notes or signs and place them in unexpected places throughout the office. When someone opens a storage cabinet or desk drawer or pulls down a video screen, they will find your note of encouragement.
25. Focus on the positive.
During the busiest time of the year, it can be easy to let stress take hold. Make a conscious effort to focus on the positive and refrain from any negative talk to create an optimistic spirit in the office.
Have a Great Holiday!

The end of the year can often feel like a frenzy, but the holidays remind us to stop and be grateful for what we have, including our work families. Think about what’s important and embrace every joyful moment with colleagues, friends and family. Practicing kindness is a key ingredient to enjoying the holidays in good health and happiness. So, when making your list (and checking it twice), be sure to add sharing an act of kindness with the people who surround you.
Happy holidays from Trade Press Services.