It’s a holiday cliche—as we head back to our routines after a hiatus, we all make promises to ourselves for the New Year: stop smoking, lose weight, eat less, exercise more, and so on. The gyms are packed, the last cigarettes crushed out, and for a few days at least, we stick to our brown bagged sliced turkey sandwiches and skip the Golden Arches on our lunch breaks.
But what about the promises you make to your business? It’s a calendar new year for the corporate world, too, and there’s no time like right now to set goals for improving your business practices and your bottom line. Trade Press Services has a few ideas in mind—and we’ll help you keep them!
- Get published! As Stuart Smalley said on Saturday Night Live, “You’re good enough, you’re smart enough, and doggone it, people like you!” (And remember, this guy is US Senator now.) There’s no better way to show off those smarts than with a series of articles in your industry’s trade publications with your name at the top. Is writing not your strongest skill? Don’t know whom to contact or what to write about? Don’t worry—Trade Press Services does. In no time, you’ll have a list of topics and publications lined up and a seasoned writer working with you to craft your articles, which we’ll submit on your behalf.
- Write a white paper. Isn’t most paper white? Yes, but a “white paper” is a defining statement about a technology or methodology. Whether it’s nuclear fusion or just better ways to haul the trash, odds are that your company does it a little differently—even a little better—than the competition. Establish yourself as the thought leader in the field by working with TPS to craft a white paper that will have the other guys wondering how to catch up.
- Write that book. And you won’t even have to retreat to that bed and breakfast in Vermont with your IBM Selectric typewriter to find your inner muse and some peace and quiet. You’ve got ideas—after all, you’ve been in this business for a while now, right? And they’re ideas that people ought to hear. Things that you wish you knew when you were starting out. Things that every business in your field—heck, every business, period—ought to be doing to stay competitive and get ahead in this post-recession economy. So what are you waiting for? Trade Press Services will help you organize your thoughts, find the right publisher, and even create a progress schedule to ensure the job gets done. After all, it’s not really a New Year’s resolution if you don’t
keep it, right?
Time is wasting and February will be here before you know it. Call or e-mail Trade Press Services today to discuss how TPS can help make all of these projects and more a reality.