This week we continue with our series, the 7 Habits of Highly Effective Marketers. The first five habits uncover vital principles and best practices of effective individuals and teams. They are:
- Be proactive
- Begin with the end in mind
- Put first things first
- Think win-win
- Seek first to understand, then be understood
These five habits identify values that lead to interdependence and meaningful communication. Now that we are near the end of the series, we combine the efforts of all the previous habits to form the sixth: synergy.
We all know the adage “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” According to Covey, synergy involves teamwork, cooperation and the process of finding new solutions to old problems. While this concept seems obvious, developing parts that are individually effective is no easy task. It requires the expertise of many, trial and error, data collection, compromise, negotiation and constant revision. But after that, how often do we ensure each part truly contributes to an overarching goal? This is the act of synergy. When done well, it’s a game changer.
Effort and Concentration
Synergy is a practice that takes effort and concentration. Additionally, it requires a focus on “principle-centered leadership,” or a long-term inside-out approach to developing talent and organizations. By looking at the world based on principles, leaders can empower others to realize their potential. According to Covey, principle-centered leaders encourage shared vision, creativity, interdependency, continued learning, emotional stability and self-supervision. This practice collects and unifies the greatest strengths of all initiatives or individuals to create the “whole greater than the sum of its parts.”
Synergy Examples

The following example describes how synergy works in marketing. A market researcher and a brand manager have two very different roles. The market researcher focuses on collecting and analyzing data. The brand manager is responsible for public perception and a value-driven image. Individually, both complete essential tasks for a company. However, when these initiatives are centralized on the same goal, the effect is tripled. Instead of 3 + 3 = 6, the result is 3 x 3 = 9, says Covey. This alignment between departments is key to the success of a company. When sales and marketing departments are aligned, it can help generate 209% more revenue. That’s a significant jump.
Here’s another example. A case study that outlines a recent successful project can be effective on its own. But, synergy between initiatives can mean the difference between passing web traffic and a new lead. Research shows that 47% of buyers view between three and five pieces of content before engaging with a sales representative. To apply Covey’s synergy theory, integrate your case study with a whitepaper that highlights the same expertise and a press release to announce it. Use links to encourage SEO and share across multiple platforms for inbound leads. Run advertising that accentuates the same thought leadership. When marketing initiatives are synergistic, the influence compounds.
Seek a Third Alternative

In business, decisions are affected by budget considerations, personnel resources and time. This can often lead to disparity. Focusing on synergy can create a balance that supports all departments more evenly. As Covey states, “the exercise of all of the other habits prepares us for the habit of synergy.” In particular, habits four (the collective goal-setting of “think win-win”) and five (the empathic listening and communication of “seek first to understand, then be understood”) contribute to synergy.
The essence of synergy is to understand and value differences. Different opinions shouldn’t lead to roadblocks. Rather, valuing differences opens doors to new conversations. Eliminate the idea that there is “my way” or “your way.” Instead, work together to seek a third alternative: synergy. Through synergistic communication, we open our minds to new possibilities and alternatives. Nurture the collaboration and creativity that leads to innovation and watch as the success of your company grows.