In today’s “always on” business world, professionals are under mounting stress that can lead to burnout and other stress-related conditions. A recent study by Deloitte reveals that 77 percent of respondents have experienced burnout at their current job—and more than half of them say it’s not an isolated incident. Stress doesn’t just affect the employee. Nine out of 10 respondents said that unmanageable stress had a negative impact on the quality of their work, and eight out of 10 said it negatively affects their personal relationships. Moreover, chronic stress can take a toll on health, contributing to poor sleep, muscle tension, headaches, weight gain, heart disease, high blood pressure, and even stroke. That’s why it’s essential to prioritize your well-being.
Why Well-Being Matters
According to Mirriam-Webster, well-being is “the state of being happy, healthy, or prosperous.” It includes good mental health, satisfaction with life, and a sense of purpose. Simply put, well-being represents how someone’s life is going. But well-being is not the same as wellness, or a state of physical health, though the two are closely intertwined.
Well-being has myriad benefits, including:
1. Enhanced Productivity
When you feel good physically and mentally, you’re more likely to be productive. Chronic stress and fatigue can lead to decreased focus and efficiency, making even simple tasks feel overwhelming. Conversely, a well-rested and healthy mind can tackle complex problems more effectively.
2. Improved Decision-Making
Well-being significantly impacts cognitive functions. High stress levels can cloud judgment and lead to poor decision-making. By managing stress and prioritizing mental health, professionals can make more rational and informed decisions.
3. Better Relationships
A healthy state of mind fosters better relationships with colleagues, clients, and stakeholders. Empathy, patience, and effective communication thrive in an environment where well-being is prioritized. This can lead to more harmonious and productive collaborations.
4. Creativity and Innovation
A stress-free mind is more open to creative thinking and innovation. Professionals who prioritize their well-being are better equipped to ideate novel solutions, driving their companies forward in competitive markets.
5. Reduced Absenteeism
Employees who take care of their well-being are less likely to take sick days. In fact, workers with poor mental health report missing 11.8 workdays a year compared with 2.5 days for their counterparts who describe their mental health as good or excellent. Consistency in workplace attendance benefits individual productivity and contributes to team stability and company performance.
How to Manage Your Well-Being
Employee well-being is an organizational issue, not just an individual one. While some companies prioritize the well-being of their teams with fitness centers, in-house masseuses, and unlimited time off, not every business professional has access to these benefits. Fortunately, there are some simple, science-backed ways professionals can improve their emotional health and overall well-being.
1. Prioritize Physical Health
Good physical health is the cornerstone of well-being. Make time for regular physical activity, consume a balanced diet, and get plenty of quality sleep each night.
2. Manage Stress
Practicing mindfulness and meditation techniques can help reduce stress and improve focus. Tools such as Headspace and Calm offer guided sessions to help reduce stress. Taking regular breaks to step away from your desk, take a short walk, or even play a game on your phone can help break up a stressful day. It’s also important to learn to say “no” and set boundaries to avoid overcommitting yourself.
3. Foster Social Connections
Connecting with colleagues on a personal level can improve mental health and reduce stress and anxiety. Greet co-workers with genuine enthusiasm on calls or in the office. Ask teammates to share something positive from their week before launching into a strategy session. Reach out to fellow employees to check in, without any hidden agenda about work. Create water-cooler moments, whether virtually or in-person, to forge authentic human connections.
4. Pursue Personal Interests
Spend time outside of work doing things you enjoy. Make time for hobbies, reading, gardening, or simply spending time with friends. Try a new creative activity or learn a new sport. The key is to do something that actively fuels your energy and feeds parts of you beyond your work persona.
5. Practice Gratitude
A grateful mindset is always beneficial for your well-being, but especially so during stressful times. When the brain experiences stress, it enters the “fight or flight state” to protect you. This can lead to increased anxiety and negative thoughts about worst-case scenarios. Create a daily gratitude practice, which can be as simple as writing down three things you appreciate every morning or in the evening. Practicing gratitude doesn’t mean denying the difficulties you are facing; it’s a reminder that the challenges you are facing aren’t the entirety of your existence.
Be Kind to Yourself

Quality of life is an elusive measurement. While personal income, physical health, and a stable family are all important metrics, they don’t capture the full picture of someone’s life. Well-being is not a luxury; it’s a necessity for anyone looking to succeed in business and thrive in life. Taking care of yourself is the first step towards taking care of your business.